Input SW category contains Dektec SW for Input ports of Dektec devices.
For easier orientation we grouped them into 3 subcategories with
Dektec SW modules are mostly dedicated for use in association with Dektec devices. In this case SW license is associated to adapter's Serial Number. You can check what licenses your adapters have by free DtInfo utility.
There are few SW modules, e.g. TS Analyzer Stream Xpert, which can work without Dektec HW devices, where license is provided at USB dongle (abbreviation DGL behind product model).
ATSC-3 reception and analysis software Real-time ATSC 3.0 receiver and analyzer with advanced RF measurements and decoding of the ATSC 3.0 signaling information. Allows recording of PLP data to file and output over IP.
Advanced TS/SDI/4K recording software
Feature-rich recording of transport streams (ASI/IP/RF) and SDI (SD/HD/3G/12G). Even full UHD (4Kp50/60) can be stored on a PC's hard disk with JPEG-2000 lossless compression. The web-based GUI allows control of multiple simultaneous recordings.
Stream Xpert is a real time stream analyzer. The StreamXpert analyzes and decodes many popular audio, video and metadata formats in real time, including new formats such as ATSC 3.0. It can be used for majority of INPUT Dektec devices.
SL, Stream Expert Lite is Light-weight version of StreamXpert for viewing and recording transport-stream contents, and for decoding audio and video. It can be used for majority of INPUT Dektec devices.
SDEye is a real-time SDI waveform monitor, DekTec's feature-rich real-time SDI waveform monitoring software. Offers a complete set of tools for real-time and offline analysis of SDI signals at great value for money.
RFXpert is RF monitoring and analysis software. Easy-to-understand, real-time analysis software for advanced RF measurements and monitoring of terrestrial and cable DTV signals.